
New to email marketing? Top 5 campaigns to start with

Either way, email marketing might be the right solution for your business. The problem is that you don’t know how to get started but you need not worry.

We’ve prepared a list of 5 email automated campaigns that promise to give you the best results, from the very beginning.

1. Welcome flow

Your first touch point with the customer. Having the highest open and click rate of all email campaigns, the welcome flow offers you the possibility to present your business, your products and all the other benefits that set you apart from the competition without being overly pushy.

The best practice is to  send a welcome email as soon as the client subscribes to your newsletter or registers on your website, followed by a reminder a few days later either prompting him to place an order or follow you on social media.

2. Abandoned cart


This is one of the most successful email automated campaigns in terms of conversion. It is triggered when a user starts the checkout process but for one or multiple reasons (like the need to register, high delivery fees, or simple indecision) he no longer places the order.

At this point, you send your customer a reminder or voucher prompting him to finish the order and giving him the possibility to contact you in case he has questions.

With a conversion rate of as high as 10% and retention potential, abandoned cart is a must-do campaign.

3. Abandoned Browse


Similar to abandoned cart, this email campaign is based on user activity, getting triggered when someone browsed your products but failed to add them to cart. At this point, you know the customer is expressing a level of interest which you can capitalize by giving him a little nudge in the form of a discount, free delivery or additional benefits.

4. Lead generation


If you want to increase your client database, lead generations campaigns are the way to go. These are campaigns that attract prospects and convert them into leads – potential customers who subscribe to your newsletter and express an interest in your products or services. One of the most accessible ways to achieve this is by creating a Facebook lead generation form where users can leave their email address and give their consent to receive information from your brand. A nice incentive like a discount on their first purchase might prove to be the right nudge.

5. Post purchase


Studies have shown it is five times more expensive to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one, with returning customers being three times more likely to purchase something and become promoters of your brand. With this in mind, a post purchase campaign is potentially one of the most valuable tools at your disposal to retain customers.

Post purchase campaigns can take many forms, from a simple “thank you for choosing us” to a promotional voucher on their next purchase, an NPS survey or a review request. Choosing one or all of them depends on the customer lifecycle – for example, a best practice is to send an NPS survey to customers who made multiple orders –  and your KPIs – i.e driving sales or improving your SEO rating through reviews, but ultimately, whichever type of post purchase message you pick,  it will surely drive your business forward.

These 5 campaigns should be the skeleton of your communication strategy as they tackle all the major issues an e-commerce is facing like acquiring new leads, reducing abandonment rates and retaining customers. Once they are in place, you can start refining your segmentation and campaigns, based on the particularity of your business.

What other campaigns did you find effective? We would love to hear from you.