What is AMP? It was originally created by Google as a competitor to Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. AMP is optimized for mobile web browsing and intended to help webpages load faster. AMP pages may be cached by a CDN, such as Microsoft Bing or Cloudflare‘s AMP caches, which…

You can find this report under Conversions section > Ecommerce > Product List Performance. Of course, you wouldn’t find it if you don’t have: enhanced ecommerce enabled website tagged with the enhanced ecommerce tracking code product lists defined within the website (ex. Search list, Category list, Recently Viewed Products list,…

Take a seat and fasten your seatbelt because we are going to immerse into the mobile marketing world. Are you ready? Let’s start this journey with some facts from the digital world, in order to understand why mobile is so important: We already know that mobile is the new king…

So, let’s start with the beginning: What are dimensions in Google Analytics? Looking at any Google Analytics report you will see that it is made up of dimensions and metrics. Dimensions are attributes of your data, while metrics are quantitative measurements. For a better understanding, let’s use an example. Let’s…

This was a challenging task that I had to accomplish during the early stages of my newly adopted career path as a Data Analyst. The question is neither easy or hard to answer, because it mostly depends on your creative imagination. The main purpose of this article will be to…