Orange Romania

Increasing sales for Black Friday through segmentation

Return on Ad Spend rate of 4500%
Increase number of transactions by 90%.


Highly competitive landscape

Other well-established e-shops

High-stakes & high investment period

Solutions and key initiatives

While looking at historical data of previous search campaigns revealed a very actionable insight: search queries can signal how close the user is from making a purchase.

More exactly, the degree of specificity in the search input placed the user into one of the 3 categories - Prospecting / Pondering / Shopping.
The hypothesis was that treating those three categories differently would greatly increase the campaign effectiveness.

Therefore, strategically, we imagined a funnel inside the overall shopping funnel, based on the input from the search intent. We split the campaigns into 3 categories, based on how close to conversion the customers are.

Creative concept

Our original framework was sustained by budget allocation and synchronized with specific messages, tailored for each search-groups:
1st first group - the Prospecting - was exposed to info about Orange having Black Friday discounts, to push them further up the funnel e.g. ”Who drops the prices?”
the second group - the Pondering - was exposed to benefits and perks of buying the chosen brands from Orange, to support their decision making and drive them towards choosing a specific model, and
the 3rd group - the Shopping - were encouraged to benefit from the discounts and associated extra-benefits (delivery, loyalty etc.)


We used Google Search to answer the 1st and 2nd groups inquiries, with the aim of pushing them further down the funnel by sending them to a landing page inside the online shop where they could continue their prospecting phase.
For those closer to acquisition - the Shopping -, we implemented Shopping Ads capabilities to meet their search input with specifics - details about the product, model, technical specifications, and benefits.


Our budget splitting followed the strategic approach - 1st group was allocated less budget, since this phase was already covered extensively by awareness channels.
The 2nd group received close to 38% of the budget while the 3rd group was in focus with more than half of the overall Search and Shopping budget - close to 60%.


Researching historical data of previous campaigns allowed us to better understand the shopping stage of users and act accordingly.
The ”funnel within funnel” search approach was a new way of successfully dealing with a highly competitive medium in a specific market context - Black Friday -.
In a nutshell, it allowed for an anticipation of the buying potential based on search intent and led to a smart budget splitting & as a result a very good ROAS - confirming the validity of the approach.


Overall Return on Ad Spend

4500% increase

Shopping campaign ROAS

3200% increase


+ 90% transactions

Search channels

90% conversions

About Orange Romania

Orange Romania is the leading telecommunications provider in Romania. The company is aiming to solidify its top position as a telecom provider and also expand towards complementary services. The development of Orange e-shop is one of the key business directions, with offers targeting both Orange existing clients and new prospecting customers.


With 2022 being such an uncertain year, our Black Friday event was surely different and it came with the usual ‘good’ pressure. Just like a player can’t win games without proper practice, our digital campaigns will not bring in sales if you don’t train the algorithms months before the main event. That’s why we are really alert, especially on Black Friday, not to fail to scale campaigns in advance.
There was a lot to be aware of for these Black Friday Search & Shopping campaigns, but with the right data-driven strategy, implementation and the agency team of specialists, we have ensured that our brand voice has cut through competitors and drove efficiently to success.

- Laurentiu Mitrea - Digital Marketing Manager | Orange Romania


By using a data-driven strategy and search intent info to segment our Black Friday campaigns into different stages of the customer journey, we were able to allocate budget very efficiently. Our innovative approach led to a 90% increase in transactions compared to the previous year, with Search & Shopping channels accounting for 85% of total orders, confirming the fact that meeting with customers in the right moments with the right approach gets you results.

Irina Asprei - Senior Data-marketing Specialist Data Revolt